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Serving the Multimedia Community since 1989.
Getting Started
The MicroRack systems support multi-user POP, Domain/FTP and Telnet or SSH accounts. Your MicroRack comes with one primary IP number.
In addition the MicroRack Advanced and Professional systems have a second IP number which is solely used for the DNS server.

You can access your server using either FTP, TELNET, SSH or simply with the web control.
       http://IP_NUMBER:8001/bin/menu .
Of course, you have to replace IP_NUMBER with IP number of your new server.

With your server setup letter you have recieved a password for your administrative account, and a second password for the root user account. When you need to use root access, you should use your regular login, and then use su to enter root-level access. As soon as you are done with your operations, you should immediately type exit to leave root mode. This will prevent you from doing damage to your system.

New users and domains are created in the /usr/home directory.

After accessing your server via FTP the server will automatically place you in the home directory of your primary domain. Your default web page information can be found in the file:

Because of the UNIX permission system, aditional sites created with the Site Manager must be accessed with the username and password you'll assign for this site. Each additional site will have its own web control panel at
will work as well, as this address is automatically forrwarded
to http://domainname.com:8001/bin/menu.

For additional domains that should have the same content as a domain already installed, you can use the ServerAlias line on the SiteManager option screen of this domain. E.g. to point the domain mydomain.net to the content of mydomain.com you simply enter

To setup an additional new site that should be managed by the administrative user, you don't need to enter a new username and password.
For sites that are created for your customers, you should always assign a new username.

To setup a new domain on your MicroRack Advanced and Professional server, you have to do this on both, the Site Manager and the DNS Manager. This is because, in general, it is possible to do name server service (DNS) for "outside" domains, and of course host domains which are resolved from "outside" name servers. Both systems are separate. Before you can use your new name servers you have to register the ns1 and ns2 hosts with your domain registry.